Wednesday, September 9, 2009

worst Christian pick up line EVER

"I feel like it's God's purpose for me to love you."

"I think God wants us to be in this relationship."

Unfortunately I've fallen for both of these lines at two different points in my life. I finally realized today that this line is the equivalent of the non-Christian line, "If you love me you'll have sex with me." It might be worse than that, actually, because it's harder to refute.

Guys, if you tell a girl who loves God that you think God wants the two of you to be together, you are giving her a line she can't refuse. Because if she loves God & wants to trust you as her partner, she will believe you. The problem is, I haven't ended up with either guy who told me this; so either God was lying or they were. Hmmm...

I'm partially to blame in this mess as well. I should have gently put my hand over his mouth and said, "Whoa, buddy! How about we pray about this together?" Or, "How about I pray about that and get back to you?" But girls want to know they can trust the guy they are with. Personally, I want to know I can trust my partner with his spirituality and faith. Apparently I've been too trusting. The next time a guy tells me he thinks we should be together because of God's purpose, I think I will run screaming in the opposite direction. Sad, but true.

Some lessons out of this:
Guys, please don't tell a girl it's God's purpose for you to love her or be with her unless you've prayed with her about God's purpose for both of your lives, and prayed on your own until you're blue in the face about it and are absolutely sure its true. In fact, it might be best to wait until your wedding day for that one.

Girls, don't fall for the ultimate Christian pick-up line. Question it. Seek God for yourself; don't just give in to the lines we all so desperately long for.

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