Friday, September 11, 2009

a prayer


Pain is an experience beyond explanation here on earth. It sucks. It doesn't make sense. It's so difficult to deal with at times...

Some are more used to it than others. I know there are some parts of pain that I cannot begin to claim to have experienced. I have not lost a child. I have not lost a close friend or family member. I have not been diagnosed with a life-threatening illness. I have not been raped, tortured, kidnapped, beaten or held hostage.

I do not believe that you create pain. I do believe that you have experienced more pain than any of us will ever realize. I do believe than no matter the extent of the pain we experience, you go there with us. You hold us up when all we want to do is crumple. You see us through when all we want to do is turn around. You comfort when all we experience is heart ache.

You are faithful in spite of the pain. You are faithful. In spite of the pain.


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